Serious Bidder? Serious Stats Tool – Beezid Bid Counter

We aim to inform here at Bidders come to our site from all across the world looking for the latest information on penny auctions and we do our best to tell them about them in as easy to understand and simple way as possible.

There is a powerful stats tool that you can use if you bid on beezid.

The beezid stats tool beezidpro works by watching and tracking each and every auction and bid placed on the auction 24/7. It collects this data and then displays it to you in an easy to read format.

Get your copy of Beezid Pro – Click Here Now and thank me later!

It makes bidding on beezid way more strategic. You can research your competition and see how many bids they have spent in previous wins or losses. You can see how many bids they average spend on a given item. You can see if they have a high winning percentage of if they rarely win.

It is all vital information for the serious bidder at Beezid. Beezid Pro does not bid for you or automatically place lest second bids. Instead it just collects data that is available to anyone and displays it in ways that are useful, effective and informative to you.

If you are wondering about your competition, there is no better place to go and check how strong of a bidder they are than by looking through Beezid pro. Also, when Beezid runs a everyone gets their bids back promo, you can look through those auctions to get a really good indication of how many bids each bidder has in their bankroll.

Beezid does not really want you to know about this stats tool. They would prefer that you remain in the dark about this tool.

The truth of the matter is that your competition is using it on Know this and know that others are probably using it to their advantage and bid accordingly.

Have you used Beezid Pro? What did you think? Please leave your comments below.

About Auction Junkie

The Auction Junkie, better known just as "Spry" grew up in the country in the foothills of north Georgia. I began playing competitive games like chess and backgammon at a very young age. I began playing poker somewhat seriously a year before Chris Moneymaker won the WSOP and have been doing so every since. Making the leap to penny auctions came fairly easy as penny auctions are strategic games with similar aspects to poker, chess and gambling in general.
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